bethan williams
bill kohler
gunizi amirak
isabel gonzalez
jacqueline b lewis
john evans
kate wildish
lesley maddox mcnulty
maria escribano
olivia innes horley
sue goldschmidt
susie lingam
will hamilton
My current practice comprises thrown, functional, slip-decorated items: cheese platters which can also be used as serving dishes, bowls, jugs and mugs. I aim to produce simple, practical pots which are comfortable to handle and are pleasing to the touch in order to encourage everyday use. My love of nature and its wonders – seeds blowing in the wind, beautiful leaves of ordinary trees, the moon, clouds, mountains – are my main sources of inspiration. Others include my Islamic background and my Turkish/Anatolian upbringing.
gunizi amirak
about ceramics at harrow
our sponsors
site design by and jack tan
photograph by steve buck
ceramic dress by sue goldschmidt